We all get caught up in the busy schedules of our everyday lives, and we often don’t realise when we start working on auto-pilot. As a matter of fact, studies show that the average rate that a UK worker changes employers is every 5 years. We all set up timelines of our careers in our heads, but can you recognise when you’ve reached the end of your journey with an employer?
With every job you take on, the beginning will always be challenging - let alone plain nerve wrecking! And even with an uneasy stomach, new people to meet and new expectations to rise to, there is something so satisfying about overcoming a seemingly impossible hurdle. Challenges help us grow and learn, and we get better with practice. With time we can handle more and more tasks at once and get to know the industry like the back of our hands.
And as time goes on, and we continue to improve, we get so caught up in our work that we stop seeing tasks as challenges; and the magical satisfaction seems to vanish along with it. There comes a time where we all take a break to “wipe the slate clean” and “start fresh” but having the guts to do such a thing out of the blue can be terrifying. Here are some tips to help give you the push you might not realise you need.
Learning new things has no expiry date. Weather you need a little push or just a little break, don't be afraid to throw yourself into the deep end. And while you may be at the final stages with one employer, don’t allow it to be a daunting thought or hit the pause on your career.
Need some inspiration? Explore some tips on figuring out your dream career. Don’t forget to check out our latest job offers on our website; go out there and seek fresh opportunities, there’s a world of work waiting for you.
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