What does your typical day at work look like? The early 8am or 9am starts, the routinely responses to emails, calls and meetings, the managers and co-workers making work more difficult and stressful. All this and you haven't even reached your lunch break.
If this sounds familiar but does not sound satisfying, you're not alone. These are some of the reasons there have been so many resignations from jobs in the past few years. Businesses in the UK are at risk of losing an average of two-thirds of their staff due to low job satisfaction . It doesn't seem to be getting any better either. In fact, job satisfaction has plummeted to around 30% in a study as recent as 2018-19 . Who knows how low this it will be in the future.
You may have to say to yourself, is it worth staying? Is it time to do something with the job that you have fallen out of love with? We all would like to have a job we love. It can be a basis to progress ourselves both personally and professionally .
There are certain steps you can do to rediscover your career mojo. After figuring out what exactly the problem is, it may be best to speak to someone about it. Either a co-worker or a manager, someone should know how you’re feeling. Simply talking may have a better turnout than you expect.
If nothing much has changed, if the managers are still being difficult, then it may be time to move on .
After landing your new role, you would have to get used to a whole new work environment, for tips on starting with a new work crowd, click here. That should not be a problem. It will take its own time, as long as you are in a position where you can start to love being at work again.
Love is in the air this February at Kelly. If you are looking for a job you can love, check out our latest jobs and discover a new passion to work. Remember, it’s NEVER too late to start a new career.
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