What does the ideal morning look like to you?
Your eyes adjust to the stream of light peering through your window. The sound of a revving engine not far beyond your window reminds you of the brisk winter morning. The first cup of coffee is poured as you delve into the last 20 pages of that crime-thriller novel you’ve been reading. Then, it’s time to get ready for work.
For most, the morning may take a different turn.
Your phone alarm calls out beneath your pillow. Coffee needed. A quick scroll through emails…10 minutes later. Morning routine is blitzed before racing downstairs to grab a slice of toast for the commute. *Incoming call*, It’s your manager. Suddenly today’s to-do list gains a lengthy task. Time to begin your workday!
Can you relate to one of the routines mentioned?
Neither version is perfect... but, achieving a healthy work-life balance is essential to create the happiest version of yourself. An equal balance between work and pleasure can reduce stress levels, improve focus, enhance job satisfaction while providing you with the opportunity to pursue personal goals.
Here’s our top-tips on how to achieve a harmonious work-life balance:
1. Learn to say ‘no’.
It’s much easier to say yes than it is to say no. We get it! Learning to say no to unreasonable demands will provide you with more time to focus on tasks you have prioritized. It’s not easy, but you have to start somewhere.
2. Schedule your time effectively.
Buy yourself a new diary, prioritize your tasks, both by importance and due date. Allotting time for each project and task and ensuring a sense of order in your routine will allow you to command your focus and get tasks done when they need to be done (freeing up time for other interests)!
3. Ask for help.
If you’re doing all you can during work hours, yet still feel like you can’t complete tasks – it’s time to ask for help. Avoid the stress, your team and manager are there to help you along the way. You are not an island.
4. Know your entitlements.
If you’re feeling burnt out and your organisation offers flexible or family-friendly work solutions, utilize them. Contact HR, come to an agreement on how you would like to organize your work week. It’s always worth asking.
5. Look after yourself.
Getting enough sleep should be the minimum. We encourage you to make sure you’re eating well, exercising often, enjoying your favourite hobbies and relaxing. You’ll feel like you’re on a hamster wheel if you don’t allow yourself time for the things you enjoy – whether that’s binge-watching an entire Netflix series or going on an 8-hour hike at the weekend.
6. Take time for yourself.
Look after yourself. Run a bath after work. Go for a walk on your lunch break. Prioritize yourself. Work will get done when you prioritize the importance of the self.
These tips have been designed to help you achieve a sense of harmony between your professional and personal life. Nobody should feel overwhelmed at the thought of balancing both. If you would like to discuss your career options, click here to get in touch with a member of our team today or click here to search through our live vacancies.
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