Congratulations! If you’re reading this article, the likelihood is that you will soon be interviewing for a new job. We know how daunting interviews can seem, but take it from us – there’s nothing to worry about! If you have made it to the interview stage, the employer has shown interest in your accomplishments and the visible potential within your CV. The interview is just a way of getting to know your personality and to fill in some gaps which may be missing in your CV.
As recruiters, we have hosted countless interviews and know exactly what is needed to succeed in your 2022 interview. Whether online, or in-person, we have created a list of tips for you to take note of before your next interview.
1. Research the organisation you want to work for prior to interviewing. This is so important. Comb through the organisations social media and website to get a feel for the company and their recent achievements. If it is a certain department you are looking to join, spend some time focusing on the key activities they carry out. Ask yourself – how can my skills benefit this organisation? What will I be able to bring to the team? Think of some good examples of the core competencies you can deliver.
2. Be on time. This rings true for both online and in-person interviews. Arrive 10 minutes early. If interviewing online, make sure to check your tech to ensure there will be no hold ups once the interview time slot begins. Setting a bad impression with tardiness is not something we recommend!
3. Dress to impress. Looking professional is one of the first steps you can take to help boost your confidence! Plus, putting in some effort will go a long way when forming first impressions.
4. Be confident. Stay calm before your interview starts. Take a deep breath and reassure yourself of your capabilities. Your confidence will be evident to the interviewer, which is a highly sought-after skill.
5. Always connect your answers to the information listed in your CV. Know your CV well! This is vital. Relate your personal and professional skills and experience to the skills necessary for the job you’re interviewing for. Identify these links by analyzing the job description prior to the interview.
6. Don’t speak ill of former colleagues or employers. You may have had horrible work experiences in the past, but an interview is not the place to bring up this information. This will simply look bad and should be avoided.
7. Have questions prepared for the interviewer. Go for it! Have questions prepared about the hours, job responsibilities and challenges, development opportunities, salary expectations or simply ask about the team. Having questions prepared for the interviewer will help them realise how serious you are about the role.
When answering questions, your interviewer is looking for your responses to be in a STAR format. That is Situation, Task, Action, Result.
This is because you can really take the interviewer on a story through your experiences, and they can assess how you performed in common situations. Bringing emotion into your stories is always helpful as it will help the interviewer connect with you and your example.
We have created these tips to support you in your job search and to act as a guide coming up to the day of your interview, whether online or in-person. Our most important piece of advice is to be yourself. You have made it to this point for a reason and the interviewer wants to see your personality shine through your answers.
If you’re ready to explore new job options, click here to view our current live roles. If you would like to get in touch with a member of our team to discuss your career options, click here.
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